USD 2.250.000Domestic Reference PriceFecha: 2024-11-11 Domestic reference price for the purchase of dry parchment coffee per load of 125 Kg. This price varies according to distance from the point of purchase to the price. Coffee growers cooperatives cover, at this price, all costs related to the coffee collection service to the producer. For more information about the price. click here.
$ 37.500Low-grade coffee priceFecha: 2024-11-11 Reference price for purchase of low-grade coffee (“pasilla”) per point of production in an arroba. For more information about the price, click here.
USD cent/LB 256,20NYKC: ¢/lbFecha: 2024-11-11 This value is represented in cents per pound per dollar. For more information about the price click here.
$ 4.359,45Exchange rateFecha: 2024-11-11 For more information about the price click here.